AllJoyn Router Service (AJRouter)AllJoyn Router Service (AJRouter)

Registry Name:


Display Name:

AllJoyn Router Service


Routes AllJoyn messages for the local AllJoyn clients. If this service is stopped the AllJoyn clients that do not have their own bundled routers will be unable to run.

For more information, see the Additional Information section.

Default Status:


Default Startup Type:

Manual (Trigger Start)

Image Path:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p

DLL File Path:



The service depends on the following system components to function properly:

  • None

System components that depend on this service to function properly:

  • None
Log On As:


Additional Information:

The AJRouter service allows your computer to communicate with other devices that use the AllJoyn framework. AllJoyn is an open-source project that enables interoperability among devices across different platforms and operating systems. It is part of the Internet of Things (IoT) initiative, which aims to connect various smart devices and enable them to exchange information and collaborate.

The AJRouter service is not essential for Windows, but it can be useful if you have other IoT-enabled devices in your home or network, such as smart speakers, lights, thermostats, cameras, etc. The service acts as a router that routes AllJoyn messages for the local AllJoyn clients.